How to choose your chatbot agency ?

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Marketing has undergone great changes, especially in recent years. Many strategies have emerged among which the chatbot. It is not always easy to choose from the various chatbot agencies that exist. How to choose your chatbot agency ?

Be demanding on the interface offered by the agency

The chatbot is useful in such a way that it helps the customer by answering their questions or by redirecting them to a customer advisor. In order to benefit from this new marvel of technology, certain criteria should be taken into account when choosing your chatbot agency starting from its characteristics. The first criterion to take into account when choosing a chatbot agency is the presentation of the application.

The interface is indeed the first element with which the customer will be in contact. It represents the first bridge between it and the company. It must therefore reflect a good image of you among your employees. An interface captures the customer or diverts him from your chatbot by its ease of use or its attraction.

The interface gives a unique experience to the customer, and it is up to you to decide whether it should be pleasant or not. It can also cause the customer to stop following you when communication is inconsistent and unwieldy. It is therefore of capital importance.

Prioritize agencies with automatic language processing technology

A chatbot agency must be chosen from the best. A quality agency is one whose work is focused on automatic language processing technology. This NPL (language processing) technology promotes the ease of understanding of your chatbot, the control of the responses of the conversation of the customer’s bot. It allows the user to naturally communicate with the bot so that the audience thinks it’s talking with a human.

Communication is fluid and fast. The use of the language for answers given to the Internet user is done in two stages. The first, basically, consists of programming a behavior defined a priori for the chatbot. The other allows for automatic behavior adaptation after automated data analysis. The latter is decisive insofar as it gives a clear and coherent answer. It gives your chatbot a real personality.

Choose an agency with a lexicon adapted to the sector of activity

Language processing is an area in which the choice of the lexicon is a priority. Indeed, a well-defined lexicon according to the sector of activity is the very essence of the chatbot. It allows, through an adapted dictionary, clear and fast use of the bot. The user saves time through the dictionary.

The lexicon used has an important place; the more it is adapted to your field the more it allows a better understanding of the customers. Interoperability is also a predominant criterion, especially for increasing the solution to the other bricks of the information system.

In order to benefit from the benefits of the chatbot, a choice of agency is necessary. There are several alternatives to achieve this, the best is to go to the appropriate structures.

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